About Wisconsin Registered Agents
Wisconsin Registered Agent Services.
You can see our address on every page of our website. We post that same address when you sign up for our Wisconsin registered agent service. If you’re looking for a registered agent in Wisconsin, we hope this is the end of your search.
Our cost structure is simple. You will pay $49 initially for 1 year of our registered agent service. One year from now, you’ll get a bill from us for $49 for another year of service. There are no other bills from us. There is nothing else to sell you. You can trust that you won’t get any extra charges on your credit card statement after you hire us to act as your registered agent in Wisconsin.
The Right Price
Let me ask you this, have you ever found a really rock bottom price on something and then later found out that it was missing something, becoming obsolete, or didn’t include everything you needed? While our prices are lower than most, there are some cheaper registered agents out there, and we do actually receive change of registered agent orders on a regular basis from clients that used “cheaper” options. However, during the course of a year, they often find that they’ve ended up paying more than our standard every day price of $49 a year. Our pricing is enough to make a living and keep us in business, and it’s enough that we don’t have to try to up-sell you anything. Most importantly, it’s enough to keep our pricing strategy simple.
What will you get?
After you sign up, you will be logged immediately into your client account. There, you’ll have access to all the same legal forms you’d find on the various Wisconsin business sites.
They are already pre-filled with our information correctly and we include lots of tips on how to make the filing with Wisconsin.
We include compliance tools and auto-reminders for your filing requirements and annual reports.